Aus aktuellem Anlass: Das Gedicht “Who uses libraries?” von Keren David zum gestrigen “Save Our Libraries Day”

Who uses libraries?

von Keren David

People who are poor.

People who are rich
and lots in the middle, squeezed or not

People without computers, who don’t know what the internet is,
People with laptops and wiis and Playstations and ipods.
People without homes.
People with second homes.
People without many books.
People with shelves overspilling.
People with lots of time and
too little time
with not much quiet
or too much quiet.
People whose homes are chilly
and lonely
and dull.

Parents and carers and babies and toddlers.
Children who don’t know what books are.
Children, magically turning letters into words and words into stories.
Children who want to read every book a particular author ever wrote. Because she wrote it just for them.
Or there’s just one book they read again and again and again.
(I still remember my special book, the one that I read week after week after week, till it became part of who I am now and then and forever)

Children and adults who don’t find it easy to learn by jumping
from website to website.
Children who want to find out what and why and how and when and who.
And read the ideas of others for real…
not bite-sized and  bullet-pointed on websites and worksheets.
Teenagers with homework to do
Teenagers with nothing to do
Teenagers whose home is empty
Teenagers with no home at all

People who like to browse among books
People who like to discover new writers. Even if those writers were new years ago.
People who want the latest must-read best-selling hit.
Dan Brown, Jacqueline Wilson, the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
People who want something else
Something obscure and unpopular and – gasp – uncommercial.
People who don’t like Horrid Henry
or horror
or Horowitz, and who don’t find much else
in WH Smith.

People who hate vampires, werewolves and angels
People who dream
of a dark, dangerous stranger
with a loving, tortured soul
a strange, sweet scent
and gleaming, pointed, uncontrollable

People who don’t trust the internet
Who don’t have a kindle, an iphone, an ipad.
Who like the feel and smell of a book, the print on the page, the pages turning
the pictures glowing.
People who want help
and advice
and recommendations from experts
(not volunteers, however well-meaning)
and company,
and education
and someone to notice that they’re alive that day. Everyday.
Writing groups and
reading groups and
story-telling sessions and
slimming clubs and
visiting authors and
community noticeboards offering music and cleaning and clubs and anything you need.

Writers who can’t work in a cafe, even though J K Rowling did.
Writers without a Room of their Own.
People who like to think.

Labour voters and
Conservative voters
Liberal Democrats
and people who don’t know who the hell to vote for
because they’re all as bad as each other.

People with a sense
of history
and the future,
of community
of a shared culture
of equality and opportunity hand in hand
of a Big-hearted Society –
where a homeless kid has the same access
to books and warmth, internet  and silence as they do at
(just a random comparison there).
People who complain and mutter and might write a letter or two,
but don’t riot.
Not about libraries.
Not about books.

But then there are
Government ministers who won’t protect libraries
and local councillors trying to cut budgets
Because budgets are easier to cut than bankers’ bonuses. And it’s getting a bit fuzzy, isn’t it? About who was to blame. For the mess we’re all in together.
That’s all of us.
But especially some of us.

And those who think that libraries are a soft target
and out-dated
and unpopular
and could easily be run by volunteers
– because, after all, there will be lots of people with time on their hands –
– not to mention the workshy –
–  and the fake disabled, don’t forget them.

And  after all, libraries don’t need to buy more books
because everything’s available on the internet
and books are so cheap nowadays
and  how much do you have to pay to rent books from a library anyway?
and where is the local library?
and why isn’t it open when I need it to be open?
and why are there so few books?
and isn’t it disgraceful how children leave school unable to read?
What they need are Phonics and Literacy and Extracts and
testing testing testing
testing testing testing
because the economy demands literate workers
who’ve studied relevant subjects
so they can earn money and pay
graduate taxes
because that’s what  Britain needs
Isn’t it?

This is happening now.
Libraries are being closed and cut
Librarians are being sacked
In shires and cities and towns

If we allow it.

Quelle:  Almost True: A blog by Keren David, author of When I Was Joe and Almost True

[Leseempfehlung] Österreichs Büchereiperspektiven mit Schwerpunktheft zur E-Bibliothek

Der Büchereichverband Österreich gibt die Fachzeitschrift “Büchereiperspektiven” heraus. Schwerpunkt der aktuellen Ausgabe 4/10 ist dieses Mal “Die E-Bibliothek. Lesen auf einen Klick”.

Simone Kremsberger beschreibt auf zwei Seiten im ersten Beitrag “Library without Walls” virtuelle Bibliotheken in Österreich und internationale Best-Practice-Beispiel.

Helmut Windinger weist mit “Die digitale Bibliothek” kurz auf Chancen und Probleme bei der Nutzung derzeitiger E-Book-Angebot hin. Robert Luckmann spricht von “E-Books für das ganze Land” und stellt in seinem Beitrag das Onleihe-Angebot der Stadtbibliothek Salzburg vor, ohne jedoch die technisch verursachten Nachteile dieses Angebotes zu erwähnen. Roswitha Schipfer berichtet im Artikel “Guter Start – was nun?” von den Grazer Erfahrungen mit der Onleihe und den weitergehenden Zielsetzungen, um das Angebot zu verbessern. Das “Berufsbild ändert sich” stellt Verena Lenes, Zuständige für das Onleihe-Angebot der Stadtbibliothek Linz, im Interview mit Simone Kremsberger fest, während Katharina Marie Bergmayr, der Stadtbücherei Wien im Interview mit Frau Kremsberger feststellt, dass man mit der “Virtuellen Bücherrei Wien” “mit der Zeit geht“. Bis dahin liest man viel Werbung für das Onleihe-Angebot der Divibib und nur ganz selten verirrt sich ein kritischer Ton in die Beiträge, weil alle viel zu “froh” sind, ein digitales Angebot in dieser Form ihren Nutzern zur Verfügung stellen zu können.

Michael Bloch, Herwig Jobst und Gerald Wödl beschreiben wie mit der “Digitalen AK-Bibliothek” und dem Vertriebspartner Ciando eine gemeinsame Digitale Bibliothek für Österreich mit den Länderkammern der Arbeiterkammer gestartet werden soll. Zielgruppe hier sind „Special-Interest-Zielgruppen“ (z. B. Betriebsräte).

Jens Thorhauge berichtet über die Bemühungen in unserem Nachbarland Dänemarke “Digitale Bibliotheken
in Dänemark”
aufzubauen. Marian Korens schreibt über die Erfahrung bei Musik und E-Books der “Digitalen Services in den Niederlanden“. Deutlich werden hier die Anforderungen an einen solchen Service genannt, wenn es um Musik geht. Für E-Books wird dieser Service gerade erst aufgebaut.

Weitere Themen sind die neuen E-Reader, die jedoch einfach nur kommentarlos verglichen werden, ein Rückblick auf die E-Book-Lounge in der Hauptbücherei Wien aber auch veränderte Nutzung der Medien, z.B. das Lernen mit dem iPad, das Lesen mit dem Handy und das World Wide Book als interaktive Literatur im Netz.

Alle Beiträge der Zeitschrift “Büchereiperspektiven” lassen sich als PDF online lesen.

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