[Zitat] Kommentiert – 1969

“A good reader, a major reader, an active and creative reader is a rereader.” Vladimir Nabokov

Auf die Frage, was einen guten Leser/eine gute Leserin auszeichnet, lieferte Nabokov 1969 in einem BBC-Interview mehr Antworten:

  1. The reader should belong to a book club.
  2. The reader should identify himself or herself with the hero or heroine.
  3. The reader should concentrate on the social-economic angle.
  4. The reader should prefer a story with action and dialogue to one with none.
  5. The reader should have seen the book in a movie.
  6. The reader should be a budding author.
  7. The reader should have imagination.
  8. The reader should have memory.
  9. The reader should have a dictionary.
  10. The reader should have some artistic sense.