Die 25 bedeutendsten Bibliothekare

Die US-Bibliotheken haben ihre Helden.

These important figures influenced and developed the library systems we use today, from the Dewey Decimal System to the subscription library and public libraries.

  1. Ben Franklin
  2. Melvil Dewey
  3. Eratosthenes
  4. Saint Lawrence
  5. Mao Zedong
  6. Seyd Mohammad Khatami
  7. Golda Meir
  8. J. Edgar Hoover
  9. John J. Beckley
  10. Giacomo Casanova
  11. Pope Pius XI, or Achille Ratti
  12. David Hume
  13. Marcel Duchamp
  14. Lewis Carroll
  15. Beverly Cleary
  16. Laura Bush
  17. Madeleine L’Engle
  18. Marcel Proust
  19. Jorge Luis Borges
  20. Joanna Cole
  21. Jacob Grimm
  22. Philip Larkin
  23. Stanley Kunitz
  24. Jessamyn West
  25. Nancy Pearl

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Mehr dazu:
Milligan, Laura: 25 Famous Librarians Who Changed History:engl: