[Zitat] Unkommentiert – 2009

„Libraries and library staff are typically representative of middle class values and worldviews, which unintentionally or purposely become integrated into library service planning and delivery. On the other hand, librarians are rarely, if ever, asked to theorize or conceptualize the traditional service planning model: How libraries assess and identify community needs, then plan, deliver, and evaluate the generated services. Instead, librarians are traditionally taught how to plan and create individualized services. […] For traditional library users, the traditional service planning model generally meets their needs. Traditional users, typically middle class individuals raised with many of the same values and other social experiences as librarians, are either aware of and familiar with library services, or feel comfortable asking for assistance. In addition, librarians know the needs of traditional library users who regularly enter their workplace and engage in conversations with staff; […] But, does a service model which works fairly well with traditional users also adress the needs of socially-excluded library users and non-users? If not, how can libraries respond? […] Only by stepping outside the traditional service planning model, and engaging socially excluded community members in the community, can librarians know if they are meeting their needs. In order to begin this conversation with people outside the library’s mainstream customer base, librarians need to understand that [they] are not experts on the needs of all community members.“

Williment, K.W. (2009): „It takes a community to create a library.“ In: The Canadian Journal of Library Information Practice and Research 4:1