Monat: Mai 2016
Kitten City from Michael Fegreus on Vimeo.
[Zitat] Unkommentiert – 1852
I have sometimes imagined a library, i.e. a collection of the works of true poets, philosophers, naturalists, etc., deposited not in a brick or marble edifice in a crowded and dusty city, guarded by cold-blooded and methodical officials and preyed on by bookworms, in which you own no share, and are not likely to, but rather far away in the depths of a primitive forest, like the ruins of Central America, where you can trace a series of crumbling alcoves, the older books protecting the most modern from the elements, partially buried by the luxuriance of nature, which the heroic student could reach only after adventures in the wilderness amid wild beasts and wild men. That, to my imagination, seems a fitter place for these interesting relics, which owe no small part of their interest to their antiquity, and whose occasion is nature, than the well-preserved edifice, with its well-preserved officials on the side of a city’s square. More terrible than lions and tigers these Cerberuses. Henry David Thoreau
Umimirai Library
Bibliotheksbau einer Öffentlichen Bibliothek in Japan durch das Archtitektur Coelacanth-K&H
Der Bibliotheksbau erinnert an eine dreistöckige „Cake Box“.
The building is a large white box perforated with hole-punched windows that light up the interiors naturally in the day and at night glow out like portholes of a giant ship. There is a maritime feel to the place, probably unintended, or maybe since it was designed by a firm whose name evokes the ancient deep sea the contrary feelings of floating and drifting and being submerged are all by design.
Umimirai Library from Tramnesia on Vimeo.
PUBLISSO – das ZB MED-Open-Access-Publikationsportal
[Infografik] Internetzugang in den Public Libraries der USA
Cat’s Innerer Circle
Cat's Inner Circle Trailer from Rariyn on Vimeo.
[Bildzitat] Unkommentiert – 1902-2001
Besuch in der Speicherbibliothek zu Büron
Der folgende Beitrag aus der Tagesschau des Schweizer Fernsehens stammt vom 19.03.2016:
„Fünf Bibliotheken aus Zürich, Basel, Solothurn und Luzern legen ihre Lagerbestände in der neuen Speicherbibliothek im luzernischen Büron zusammen. Der Neubau soll die Platznot in den Bibliotheken lindern. Derzeit läuft der Umzug in das bald grösste Bibliotheksmagazin der Schweiz.“
Die umstrittenen Ursprünge der ersten Enzyklopädie
Die erste Enzyklopädie enthielt 70.000 Einträge und über 20.000 Wörter.Sie bestand aus 35 Bänden, die innerhalb von drei Jahrzehnten verfasst wurden. Diese wurde von König Louis XV und Papst Clemens XIII.verboten- Aber warum war diese Enzyklopädie so umstritten?
Gelesen von Addison Anderson, Animation von Patrick Smith.