Umimirai Library

Bibliotheksbau einer Öffentlichen Bibliothek in Japan durch das Archtitektur Coelacanth-K&H
Der Bibliotheksbau erinnert an eine dreistöckige „Cake Box“.

The building is a large white box perforated with hole-punched windows that light up the interiors naturally in the day and at night glow out like portholes of a giant ship. There is a maritime feel to the place, probably unintended, or maybe since it was designed by a firm whose name evokes the ancient deep sea the contrary feelings of floating and drifting and being submerged are all by design.

Umimirai Library from Tramnesia on Vimeo.

Das NTT DATA Projekt der Vatikanbibliothek

Das Gesamtprojekt begann vor einigen Jahren und beinhaltet die Digitalisierung von insgesamt 82.000 Manuskripten, die insgesamt 41 Millionen Seiten umfassen.

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