
Von John Dolan

Library Camp 2011 took place in Birmingham, England on 8 October – like a spontaneous outburst of thinking and enthusiasm. Though termed an “unconference” it was in fact a well-organised, lightly structured event of 173 participants (2 didn’t make it on the day)!

Jo McCausland (@libraryjmac) was inspired by a Local Government Camp a year earlier to set this up: a good venue; email and twitter announcements; Sponsorship (essential if admission is free and not easy to find at present!). It was fully booked online in 21 hours – yes!

There was a fantastic mix of library and information practitioners from all backgrounds plus people active in related fields like theatre and media. After (yes) everyone introduced themselves (who I am; why I’m here) people “pitched” to lead a session on a subject of their choice.

With 45 minutes for each session across 7 rooms there were 35 discussion groups through the day with multiple additional chances to network and make friends. Everything from the day is on the web.

There will surely be a #libcampuk 2012!

Worth mentioning that after an early humourous reference to cake many – many! – people brought cake to share. Look at the pictures!

Some of the sessions I attended or found the notes and links valuable include the following:

Transition: There is little investment in managing the transition between school and university. Learners are rarely able to transfer skills from one stage in education to the next; how librarians can help teachers and learners provide continuity so each stage in education builds on the previous. This applies to all stages in the education system. Librarians can work with teachers and students at all stages of education, avoiding waste and gaining more. Above all, embed the learning skills into the curriculum; learning skills are not “an extra” they are essential to education: http://intothehobbithole.blogspot.com/2011/10/libcampuk11-session-1-managing.html

Several areas of innovation discussions included Games and Gamification, Mobile apps (maybe more questions than answers but useful links), libraries without buildings, creative commons, open-source software, representing the most incredible opportunity for strategic library cooperation. A session on library philosophy reminds us of the many reasons we are here.

A Special Collections session was interesting. Early in the notes they referred to the fate of special collections as seeming like a private resource for the few. Much of the session was therefore about increasing accessibility. This was a key issue for me and a key purpose of creating the Library of Birmingham: http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/lob. Immense special collections are unknown to most but the expert; but it’s not just about display it is about actively interpreting their relevance in a modern diverse city community and projecting those collections globally.

Several linked and overlapping themes included Partnership, working with Stakeholders, Embedded Librarianship, Social Networking, Information Literacy, Social Change et al. Together these highlighted the centrality of libraries and their potential for other institutions and to the rest of society.

Useful contacts? Notes from most discussions have useful links. Or, follow #uklibchat led by and for library & information students and new librarians. Meets on twitter every Thursday 6 – 8pm. Each week there’s a topic to discuss. Older librarians can contribute on what’s happened before to inform progress or avoid reinventing the wheel.

Links that should be of interest.

John Dolan OBE

E. john@dolan205.force9.co.uk

  1. Twitter. @johnrdolan

[Leseempfehlung] Neue Bibliothekszeitschrift: “The Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults”

Es gibt eine neue bibliotheksorientierte Open-Access Onlinezeitschrift: “The Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults” (JRLYA) Die erste Ausgabe erschien am 15.11. 2010. Insgesamt gibt es vier Ausgaben pro Jahr (im November, Februar, Mai und August). Ziel ist es die Theorie, die Forschung und Praxis im Bereich der Jugendbibliotheksarbeit zu zusammenzubringen und zu unterstützen. Die elektronische Peer-Review-Zeitschrift wird von YALSA herausgegeben:

Weitere Zielsetzungen und Inhalte des Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults sind:

  • to serve as a vehicle for disseminating research of interest to librarians, library workers  and academics who focus on library service to young adults, ages 12 through 18.
  • to provide researchers with a respected vehicle for publishing research of interest to professionals who focus on library services to young adults.
  • to serve as the official research publication of the association, including but not limited to publishing annotated lists of recent research from YALSA’s Research Committee, Henne Award winning research and papers from YALSA’s biennial Young Adult Literature Symposium.
  • the scope of the journal includes all aspects of library services to young adults at every level and for all types of libraries.

Außerdem enthält das E-journal literarische und kulturelle Besprechungen von klassischen und aktuellen Publikationen für junge Erwachsene. In aller erster Linie richtet sich das Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults an Akademiker, MitarbeiterInnen an öffenlichen Bibliotheken und SchulbibliothekarInnen, sowie LehrerInnen  an Sekundarschulen, die sich für die Entwicklung und Bildung  junger Erwachsener einsetzen.

Volltextausgabe: Journal for Research on Libraries and Young Adults, 01 (2010) 01, ISSN: 2157-3980

Wie muss die Bibliothekswebsite der Zukunft aussehen?

Steven J. Bell fragt sich, wie die Library Web Site of the Future:engl: aussieht.
Wissenschaftliche Bibliothekare wollen, dass ihre Website der Anlaufpunkt für Lehrende und Studierende ist. Sie locken mit qualitativ hochwertigen exklusiven wissenschaftlichen Datenbanken, teuren eJournals und E-Books sowie anderen wichtigen Ressourcen.

It should be a scholar’s dream, but there’s trouble in paradise.


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