Congratulation Library of Congress and Dr. Carla Hayden

Dr. Carla Haydon, Pressefoto ALA

Die Library of Congress verkündete:

The U.S. Senate has approved the nomination of Dr. Carla Hayden to be the 14th Librarian of Congress.

Quelle: Library of Congress, Facebook

In der Presseerklärung der Library of Congress heißt es:

The United States Senate today by a vote of 74-18 confirmed Dr. Carla D. Hayden, longtime chief executive of the Enoch Pratt Free Library system in Baltimore and a former president of the American Library Association, as the 14th Librarian of Congress, for a renewable 10-year term.

Senate Confirms Carla Hayden as 14th Librarian of Congress, News from the Library of Congress

Hayden’s confirmation unanimously passed a rules committee vote in June. However, the vote by the full body was held up for five weeks as a result of a Republican-led hold-up, The Washington Post reports. No reason was given for the delay, but some conservatives have reportedly taken issue with positions she took as the leader of the American Library Association, as well as her lack of academic organizations.

Quelle: Carla Hayden Confirmed To Head Library Of Congress, WBAL NewsRadio 1090

Fritze, John: Enoch Pratt leader Carla Hayden confirmed for Library of Congress + zugehöriger Artikel, Baltimore Sun

Nominiert für die Library of Congress

Präsident Obama nominierte heute Dr. Carla Hayden als 14. Librarian of Congress. Sie ist die erste Frau und zudem die erste mit afrikanisch-amerikanischen Wurzeln, der diese Aufgabe in der 214-jährigen Geschichte der Bibliothek zuteil wird. Hayden zeichnete sich während der Unruhen in Baltimor aus, dass sie die Enoch Pratt Free Library offen hielt und somit zum Rückgrat der Gemeinschaft wurde.

Today, I’m nominating Dr. Carla Hayden to be our 14th Librarian of Congress. Michelle and I have known Carla since her days working at the Chicago Public Library, and her dedication to learning and education is unparalleled. (…) Her understanding of the pivotal role that emerging technologies play in libraries will be essential in leading the Library of Congress as it continues to modernize its infrastructure and promote open access and full participation in today’s digital world.