„Curb Side, Baby“

What You Need to Know about NPL’s Curbside Service

„Come Back to Our Library, Without Leaving Your Vehicle. Beginning June 8, 2020, NPL will once again offer checkouts of physical materials. And once we do, you can get the books you love without stepping out of your car. Watch this fun video and visit library.nashville.org for more details. Welcome back!“

„All About the Books, No Trouble“

So kann man auch für sich Werbung machen und dabei gute Stimmung verbreiten:

Our Nashville Public Library team celebrates library cards in this adaptation of Meghan Trainor’s performance of “All About That Bass,” as seen on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. We had a little bit of fun showcasing how easily Nashvillians can borrow, download and stream books, music and movies with a free library card.