[Bildzitat] Unkommentiert – 1920-2013
Bibliothekarisch – die berufliche Tätigkeit eine:r Bibliothekar:in betreffend.
“A good reader, a major reader, an active and creative reader is a rereader.” Vladimir Nabokov
Auf die Frage, was einen guten Leser/eine gute Leserin auszeichnet, lieferte Nabokov 1969 in einem BBC-Interview mehr Antworten:
- The reader should belong to a book club.
- The reader should identify himself or herself with the hero or heroine.
- The reader should concentrate on the social-economic angle.
- The reader should prefer a story with action and dialogue to one with none.
- The reader should have seen the book in a movie.
- The reader should be a budding author.
- The reader should have imagination.
- The reader should have memory.
- The reader should have a dictionary.
- The reader should have some artistic sense.
„Books are agents of empathy. Books bring compassion.“
Books are the way that we communicate with the dead. The way that we learn lessons from those who are no longer with us, that humanity has built on itself, progressed, made knowledge incremental rather than something that has to be relearned, over and over. There are tales that are older than most countries, tales that have long outlasted the cultures and the buildings in which they were first told. Neil Gaiman
„We shouldn’t teach great books; we should teach a love of reading. Knowing the contents of a few works of literature is a trivial achievement. Being inclined to go on reading is a great achievement.“ B. F. Skinner : The Man and His Ideas, by Richard Isadore Evans, 1968
A book cannot be selective of its readership; nor can it insist upon the conditions under which it is read or received. The degree to which a book is successful depends only on the degree to which it is loved. All a starred review amounts to is an expression of brand loyalty, an assertion of personal preference for one brand of literature above another. It is as hopelessly beside the point as giving four stars to your mother, three stars to your childhood, or two stars to your cat. Eleanor Catton
Laura E. Kelly hat eine Infografik erstellt, deren Titel “Which Book Reader Species Are You?” lautet. Sie nahm damit eine Klassifikation unterschiedlicher Lesertypen vor:
“We all live in the Domain of Readers—but what species of book reader are you? This fun, appropriately wordy infographic is my homage to the classic Linnaean classification charts of plants and living things. In this case, we’re describing and classifying close to 50 reader species—from the folks who see books as precious display objects to those who sort of hate reading.”
Quelle: Mediabistro
„We must make this country a happier place for children to grow up in and we must not make it harder for them to go to a library than it is at the moment. The most common tribute to the public library is when somebody says: “It opened up the world for me when I was a child. I want that sort of experience for every child.The sort of reading that really takes place here – the sort that really makes a reader out of us – is reading for pleasure, which government after government has paid lip service to while working to prevent it. The benefits of reading for pleasure include improvement in writing, in text comprehension, in grammar and in breadth of vocabulary. It develops a positive attitude to reading, which in turn leads to higher achievement. It increases general knowledge, encourages a better understanding of other cultures as well as providing a greater insight into human nature. Not reading for the sake of passing a test, but reading for pleasure, is what does that. Philip Pullman