[Zitat] Kommentiert – 1969

“A good reader, a major reader, an active and creative reader is a rereader.” Vladimir Nabokov

Auf die Frage, was einen guten Leser/eine gute Leserin auszeichnet, lieferte Nabokov 1969 in einem BBC-Interview mehr Antworten:

  1. The reader should belong to a book club.
  2. The reader should identify himself or herself with the hero or heroine.
  3. The reader should concentrate on the social-economic angle.
  4. The reader should prefer a story with action and dialogue to one with none.
  5. The reader should have seen the book in a movie.
  6. The reader should be a budding author.
  7. The reader should have imagination.
  8. The reader should have memory.
  9. The reader should have a dictionary.
  10. The reader should have some artistic sense.

[Zitat] Unkommentiert – 1852

I have sometimes imagined a library, i.e. a collection of the works of true poets, philosophers, naturalists, etc., deposited not in a brick or marble edifice in a crowded and dusty city, guarded by cold-blooded and methodical officials and preyed on by bookworms, in which you own no share, and are not likely to, but rather far away in the depths of a primitive forest, like the ruins of Central America, where you can trace a series of crumbling alcoves, the older books protecting the most modern from the elements, partially buried by the luxuriance of nature, which the heroic student could reach only after adventures in the wilderness amid wild beasts and wild men. That, to my imagination, seems a fitter place for these interesting relics, which owe no small part of their interest to their antiquity, and whose occasion is nature, than the well-preserved edifice, with its well-preserved officials on the side of a city’s square. More terrible than lions and tigers these Cerberuses. Henry David Thoreau

Weapons of Mass Instruction

2010 wurde im Blog unter dem Titel “Ein Bücherpanzer als Instrument zur Leseförderung in Buenos Aires: “El Arma de Instrucción”” bereits ausführlich über Raúl Lemesoff’ Panzer  berichtet. Nun, 5 Jahre später scheint Lemesoff nach wie vor an seiner Idee der “Instruktion/Bildung der Massen” durch das Verteilen von Büchern festzuhalten und weiterhin seinen Panzer mit Büchern zu bestücken, um diese an den Mann/an die Frau zu bringen. Hierzulande hätte es ein derartiges Fahrzeug wohl schwer durch den TÜV zu kommen bzw. als ein solches für den Straßenverkehr überhaupt zugelassen zu werden. Im folgenden Video kommen Menschen zu Wort, die Lemesoff beschreiben und ihn bei seiner Arbeit zeigen, aber auch er selbst äußert sich zu seiner “Arbeit”.

Weapons of Mass Instruction: A 1979 Ford Falcon Converted in a Tank Armored with 900 Free Books from Colossal on Vimeo.

Gefunden bei: Bibliotheksvideos von J. Plieninger

[Zitat] Unkommentiert – Entstehungsjahr unbekannt

In hard times, libraries are more important than ever. Human beings need what books give them
better than any other medium. Since ancient nights around prehistoric campfires, we have needed
myth. And heroes. And moral tales. And information about the world beyond the nearest
mountains or oceans. Today, with books and movies more expensive than ever, and television entertainment in free fall to the lowest level of stupidity, free circulating books are an absolute necessity. They are quite simply another kind of food. For those without money, the road to the treasure house of the imagination begins at the public library.” Pete Hamill

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