[Kurz] Afghanistans Bibliotheken droht der Blackout

Hinter den Geschehnissen in der Ukraine verlieren wir gerade das Geschehen in Afghanistan aus dem Blick. Dort droht das Aus für Bibliotheken.

Zamir Saar berichtet über die Situation der Bibliotheken in Afghanistan.

Now “it has been seven months that no one has peeked into the library,” Ehsas tells me via WhatsApp. I can hear a lump in his throat. “It is painful to see the distance between people and books grow.”

Afghanistan’s libraries go into blackout: ‘It is painful to see the distance between people and books grow’, The Conversation (24.02.2022)

Dass die Situation der Machtübernahme der Taliban als besorgniserregend zu betrachten ist, zeigt die IFLA Erklärung zu Afghanistan, IFLA (19.08.2021).

Afghanistan: UN expert warns of “cultural disaster”, urges visas for the vulnerable, United Nations (17.08.2021)

Afghanische Bibliothekarin hofft, Bibliothek für Frauen trotz Taliban-Herrschaft wiedereröffnen zu können, News Text Area (12.10.2021)

Pendse, Liladhar R.  Saving Afghanistan’s At-Risk Websites, american libraries (03.01.2022)

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In Afghanistan, the ethos of libraries and archives that has developed over the past two decades has been progressive and open. They have been key institutions supporting education, especially for girls and women, and where a diversity of knowledge can be accessed. Their archives, which should be pillars of open government and civil society, are being undermined.

Ovenden, Richard: The battle for Afghanistan’s libraries, Financial Times (24.09.2021)

Statement of solidarity with librarians and archivists in Afghanistan, Resarch Libraries UK (RLUK) ( 07.09.2021)