MARC must work harder

Ich hab Tränen gelacht und zähle mich dabei nicht zu den Metadaten-Nerds und Katalogisierungsperfektionisten. Dieser Film „Unchained Metadata“ ist für Bibliotheksnerds genau das Richtige…

With nearly 300 million bibliographic records, WorldCat is the largest aggregation of shared library data in the world. With access to this data on a large parallel processing computer cluster, OCLC Research has undertaken a number of projects to maximize its value by processing the data in interesting ways to create new services. Work is also being done to report back to the library profession on how the MARC standard has been used over the last 40 years. OCLC Research Senior Program Officer Roy Tennant kicked off his keynote presentation with this “Cataloging Unchained” video and went on to describe some of these efforts as an illustration of the power of mining shared library data.

Price, Gary: A New Film By OCLC’s Roy Tennant: “Cataloging Unchained”, infodocet Library Journal
