Zitat unkommentiert

[Zitat] Unkommentiert – 1984

“Then I started reading. I read everything I could get my hands on, murder mysteries, The Good Earth, everything. By the time I was thirteen I had read myself out of Harlem. There were two libraries in Harlem, and by the time I was thirteen I had read every book in both libraries and I had a card downtown for Forty-Second Street… What I had to do then was bring the two things together: the possibilities the books suggested and the impossibilities of the life around me… Dickens meant a lot to me, for example, because there was a rage in Dickens which was also in me… And Uncle Tom’s Cabin meant a lot to me because there was a rage in her which was somehow in me. Something I recognized without knowing what I recognized.” James Baldwin in The Paris Review, The Art of Fiction No. 78 im Interview mit John Elgrably, Issue 91, Spring 1984

Ein Erklärvideo zu George Orwell

George Orwell ist der beliebteste und erfolgreichste englischsprachige Schriftsteller des 20. Jahrhunderts. Was wollte er uns mit Büchern wie “1984” und “Animal Farm” sagen und worin liegt sein Genie?

Die Berg Collection in der New York Public Library

“If you are a person who’s having relationships and has emotions and thinks about what it means to be alive and die and be in love, then you love literature.” Issac Gerwitz

Die Berg Collection der New York Public Library besteht aus einer Sammlung englischer und US-amerikanischer Literatur. Sie stellt einer der bekanntesten Forschungssammlungen von Literaturmanuskripten, Autographen und seltenen Büchern dar.