Aus aktuellem Anlass: Zum heutigen Public Domain Tag 2012
Jedes Jahr laufen Urheberrechte aus und die Werke werden dann gemeinfrei. Weltweit gilt, dass der Urheberrechtsschutz 70 Jahre nach dem Tod des Autors endet.Statt den Todestag der AutorInnen hierfür heranzuziehen, gilt jedes Jahr der 1. Januar als der internationale Public Domain Tag. Mehr Informationen gibt es auf der folgenden Seite:
Heute wurden die Werke dieser SchriftstellerInnen und AutorInn gemeinfrei:
(1) Sherwood Anderson (American novelist and short story writer)
(2) Gabriel Alomar i Villalonga (Spanish poet, essayist and educator)
(3) Elizabeth von Arnim (Australian-born British novelist)
(4) Robert Baden-Powell (Founder of the Scout Movement)
(5) Frederick Banting (Canadian medical scientist, one of the main discoverers of insulin)
(6) Henri Bergson (French philosopher)
(7) Raffaello Bertieri (Italian publisher, graphic and type designer)
(8) Gutzon de la Mothe Borglum (American artist and sculptor)
(9) Louis Brandeis (Associate Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States)
(10) Frank Bridge (English composer and violist)
(11) August Cesarec (Croatian writer and left-wing politician)
(12) Louis-Joseph Chevrolet (Swiss-born American race car driver and co-founder of the Chevrolet Motor Car Company)
(13) Robert Delaunay (French artist)
(14) Simon Dubnow (Jewish historian, writer and activist)
(15) James Frazer (Scottish social anthropologist)
(16) Arkady Gaidar (Soviet writer)
(17) James Joyce (Irish novelist and poet)
(18) Alter Kacyzne (Jewish (Yiddish) writer, poet, and photographer)
(19) Gustav Gerson Kahn (German musician, songwriter and lyricist)
(20) Tullio Levi-Civita (Italian mathematician)
(21) Lazar Markovich Lissitzky (Russian artist)
(22) George Minne (Belgian artist and sculptor)
(23) Gaetano Mosca (Italian political scientist)
(24) Jelly Roll Morton (American ragtime and early jazz pianist, bandleader and composer)
(25) Kole Nedelkovski (Macedonian revolutionary and poet)
(26) Ignacy Jan Paderewski (Polish pianist and second Prime Minister of Poland)
(27) Petar Poparsov (Macedonian Revolutionary)
(28) Rabindranath Tagore (Bengali polymath)
(29) Santiago Rusiñol (Catalan post-impressionist/Symbolist painter,)
(30) Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva (Russian and Soviet poet)
(31) Hugh Walpole (English novelist)
(32) Wilhelm II (The last German Emperor)
(33) Virginia Woolf (English author, essayist, and publisher)
Weitere Linktipps:
Center for the Study of the Public Domain:
Communia – The European Thematic Network on the Digital Public Domain:
Das Blog Everybody’s Libraries schlägt 5 Dinge vor, was AmerikanerInnen (eigentlich auch Deutsche) aus diesem aktuellen Anlass tun könn(t)en:
The Public Domain Manifesto (kann unterzeichnet werden):