Ukraine war: damaged libraries (updatet: 08/24/2022)
Damages to libraries can be reported here: Бібліотеки, які постраждали внаслідок російсько-української війни
To record a war crimes: https://culturecrimes.mkip.gov.ua
Used Sources
- List of Recorded war crimes, Ukraine (grey fields, first source, official source) / Destroyed Cultural Heritage of Ukraine: Library, Ukraine
- Damaged cultural sites in Ukraine verified by UNESCO (04/14/2022, will be updatet, official source)
- Russians have damaged at least 9 Ukrainian libraries, CHYTOMO (04/01/2022)
Attack on 07/19/2022
Village Library in the Dachne House of Culture, damaged building, state of the library’s book collection is currently unknown
- Odessa region, Odessa district, Dachne village, Myru street, 5, Recorded war crimes – 07/19/2022 (date added to database 07/25/2022) (Status: true)
- Overview
Attack on 07/06/2022
University Library at the Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after H.S. Skovorody (Skovorody University), state of the university library collection currently unknown
- Kharkiv region, Kharkiv district, Kharkiv city, Valentynivska street, 2, Recorded war crimes – 07/06/2022 (date added to database 07/06/2022) (Status: true)
- Overview
Attack on 06/25/2022
Church Library in modern church of St. Petro Mohyla, burned books
- Donetsk region, Mariupol district, Mariupol city, Nakhimova prospectus, 3, Recorded war crimes – 06/25/2022 (date added to database 06/27/2022) (Status: needs verification)
- Overview
Attack on 05/25/2022
Zaporizhia Regional Universal Scientific Library, modern building is damaged
- Zaporizhia region, Zaporizhia district, Zaporizhia city, Sobornyy prospectus, 142, Recorded war crimes – 05/25/2022 (date added to database 05/26/2022) (Status true)
- Overview
Attack on 05/08/2022
Library of the trade union of the “Ilyich” in the old building of the joint-stock company „Nikopol“, built in the late XIX century (not registered). There in are also the House of Culture named after Karl Marx and the Museum of History.
Informations about:
- The Stoic Obeserver, Tweet, dated from 05/11/2022
- Donetsk region, Mariupol district, Mariupol city, Semashka street, 19, Recorded war crimes – 05/09/2022 (date added to database 05/09/2022) (Status true)
- Overview
Attack on 05/07/2022
Branch library № 18 of the Central City Library named after M.L. Kropyvnytskyi, Mykolayiv city, damaged modern building
Information about:
- Перун, Віра, Зазнав ворожого обстрілу Корабельний район Миколаєва, – ДСНС, LB.ua (The Ship area of Nikolaev suffered enemy attack, – DSNS – Google Translation) (05/07/2022)
- У Миколаєві внаслідок ворожого обстрілу сталася пожежа в бібліотеці, Читомо – Chytomo (In Nikolaev as a result of enemy attack there was a fire in library – Google Translation) (05/08/2022)
- Під час обстрілу Миколаєва, окупанти пошкодили балкони та вікна двох квартир (фото), VARTA1 (During shelling of Nikolaev, occupants damaged balconies and windows of two apartments (photo) – Google Translation) (05/07/2022)
- Message from Головне управління ДСНС України у Миколаївській області about the fire on top of the roof of the library (Facebook) (05/07/2022)
- Mykolayiv region, Mykolayiv district, Mykolayiv city, Korabeliv prospectus, 12, Recorded war crimes – 05/07/2022 (date added to database 05/09/2022) (Status true)
- Overview
Attack on 04/25/2022
Branch library named after Lesya Ukrainka and City Technological Lyceum, damaged old building of the former school № 41, built in 1936 (not registered)
Informations about
- The Stoic Observer, Tweet, dated from 05/23/2022
- Donetsk region, Mariupol district, Mariupol city, Boyka prospectus, 133, Recorded war crimes – 04/25/2022 (date added to database 04/27/2022) (Status: true)
- Overview
Attack on 04/22/2022
Central City Public Library named after V.G. Korolenko, damaged old building of the former Mariupol State Bank (not registered) (UNESCO: Central City Library V.G.Korolenko in Mariupol – (Donetsk region))
Informations about
- The Stoic Observer, Tweet, dated from 05/23/2022
- Donetsk region, Mariupol district, Mariupol city, Gretska street, 43, Recorded war crimes – 04/24/2022 (date added to database 04/29/2022) (Status: true)
- Overview
Attack on 04/04/2022
Rubizhne public library, branch library No. 1, residential building built in 1929 (security N 255-Vr), state of the library’s book collection is currently unknown
- Luhansk region, Severodonetsk district, Rubizhne city, Koveshnikova street, 8, Recorded war crimes – 04/06/2022 (date added to database 07/08/2022) (Status true)
- Overview
Attack on 04/02/2022
Rubizhne Public Library and children’s library-branch No. 3, modern building, condition of the book collection of both library is currently unknown
- Luhansk region, Severodonetsk district, Rubizhne city, Volodymyrska, 51, Recorded war crimes – 04/02/2022 (date added to database 07/08/2022) (Status true)
- Overview
Attack on 04/01/2022
Rubizhne Public Library, branch library No. 2, damaged old residential building, built in the mid-1950s (not registered), state of the university library collection currently unknown
- Luhansk region, Severodonetsk district, Rubizhne city, Boghdana Khmelnytskogo street, 94, Recorded war crimes – 04/02/2022 (date added to database 07/27/2022) (Status true)
- Overview
Attack on 03/31/2022
Central City Library, damaged the facades and windows of the modern building (UNESCO: Central City Library in Irpin – (Kyiv region))
Informations about
- Максенко, Марина, В Ірпені центральна міська бібліотека постраждала від російських орків, BIG KYIV (In Irpen, the central city library suffered from Russian orcs – Google Translation) (04/03/2022)
- Kyiv region, Bucha district, Irpin city, Shevchenka street, 3-a, Recorded war crimes – 04/13/2022 (date added to database 04/13/2022) (Status: true)
- Overview
Archive-Library of the Vyacheslav Chornovil Foundation, modern building almost completely destroyed
Informations about
- Russian occupiers destroyed the archive of Vyacheslav Chornovil in Bucha, Hindustan News Hub (04/20/2022) -> Translation of the original Telegram message on SPILKA News (04/19/2022)
- In Bucha, Russian invaders destroyed the archive of Vyacheslav Chornovil, Mail BD (04/20/2022)
- Окупанти знищили архів В’ячеслава Чорновола у Бучі, Європейська Україна – European Ukraine (The occupiers destroyed the archive of Vyacheslav Chornovil in Bucha – Googleübersetzung) (04/20/2022)
- Касіян, Віра, Окупанти знищили архів В’ячеслава Чорновола під Бучею, LB.ua (The occupiers destroyed the archive of Vyacheslav Chornovil near Bucha – Google Translation) (04/20/2022)
- Тимченко, Олег, У Бучі окупанти знищили будинок, де зберігався архів В’ячеслава Чорновола. Фото, OBOZREVATEL (In Bucha, the occupiers destroyed the house where Vyacheslav Chornovil’s archive was kept. Photo – Google Translation) (04/20/2022)
- Kyiv region, Bucha district, Bucha city, microdistrict Lisova Bucha, Recorded war crimes – 04/21/2022 (date added to database 04/22/2022) (Status: true)
- Overview
Village branch library of Chorenka village, damaged buildung of the early XXth century
- Kyiv region, Bucha district, Ghorenka village, Kyivska street, 180, Recorded war crimes – 04/22/2022 (date added to database 04/23/2022 (Status: true)
- Overview
Village library of Dmytrivka village, modern building, state of the library collection is unknown
- Kyiv region, Bucha district, Dmytrivka village, Recorded war crimes – 05/01/2022 (date added to database 07/06/2022 (Status: needs verification)
- Overview
Village library of Kodra village, destroyed wall of the modern building, state of the library collection is unknown
- Kyiv region, Bucha district, Kodra village, Tsentralna street, 2-А, Recorded war crimes – 05/26/2022 (date added to database 06/27/2022 (Status: needs verification)
- Overview
Village library of Nalyvaykivka village, damaged modern building, state of the library collection is unknown
- Kyiv region, Bucha district, Nalyvaykivka village, Tsentralna street, 117, Recorded war crimes – 05/26/2022 (date added to database 06/27/2022 (Status: needs verification)
- Overview
Village library of Moshchun village, damaged modern building, state of the library collection is unknown
- Kyiv region, Bucha district, Moshchun village, Vyshneva street, 27, Recorded war crimes – 05/26/2022 (date added to database 06/27/2022 (Status: needs verification)
- Overview
Attack on 03/30/2022
Chernihiv Regional Universal Scientific Library named after V.G. Korolenko, damaged: building of the former noble and peasant bank of 1910-13 (protected № 59-Cr) (UNESCO: Chernihiv Regional Universal Scientific Library. V.G. Korolenko (built in 1910-13)
Informations about
- Korolenko Chernihiv Regional Universal Scientific Library, Wikipedia (engl.)
- The Stoic Obeserver, Tweet, dated 04/21/2022
- У Чернігові росіяни обстріляли історичну будівлю – бібліотеку імені Короленка, – Суспільне, Еспресо (In Chernihiv Russians fired at a historical building – Korolenko’s library, – Public – Google Translation) (03/30/2022)
- У Чернігові росіяни обстріляли історичну будівлю у центрі міста, Суспільне (In Chernihiv, Russians shelled a historic building in the city center – Google Translation) (03/30/2022)
- Chernigiv region, Chernigiv city, Myru prospectus, 41, Recorded war crimes – 03/30/2022 (date added to database 03/30/2022) (Status: true) – with a video
- Overview
Library in the Cultural House of Lukashi village, damaged modern building
- Kyiv region, Brovary district, Lukashi village, Shevchenka street, 1-A, Recorded war crimes – 05/01/2022 (date added to database 05/07/2022) (Status: needs verification)
- Overview
Library in the Club Building of Rudnytske village, incl. museum premises, modern building is damaged and the cultural institutions are looted
- Kyiv region, Brovary district, Rudnytske village, Shevchenka street, 2-A, Recorded war crimes – 05/01/2022 (date added to database 05/07/2022) (Status: needs verification)
- Overview
Village Library of Bogdanivka village, damaged doors and windows of the modern building
- Kyiv region, Brovary district, Bogdanivka village, Bogdana Khmelnytskogo, 124, Recorded war crimes – 05/01/2022 (date added to database 05/07/2022) (Status: needs verification)
- Overview
Ivanovo Village Library in the old building of the Ivanovo House of Culture, built in 1956 (not registered), damaged building, state of the library collection is unknown (UNESCO: House of Culture – Ivanivka (Chernihiv region))
Informations about
- The Stoic Observer, Tweet, dated from 05/16/2022
- Chernigiv region, Chernigiv district, Ivanivka village, Druzhby street, 33-A, Recorded war crimes – 05/14/2022 (date added to database 05/15/2022) (Status: true)
- Overview
Pidgayne Village Library (branch No. 27), modern building, book collections were destroyed by a fire [Rural library in the village of Pidhaine, Kyiv region, library building and collection completely destroyed] (UNESCO: Village Library – Pidhaine (Kyiv region))
Informations about
- The MCIP published the list of cultural monuments ruined by russians, Читомо – Chytomo (2022/08/05)
- Kyiv region, Vyshgorod district, Pidgayne village, Sergienka street, 31, Recorded war crimes – 05/01/2022 (date added to database 07/01/2022) (Status: true)
- Overview
Attack on 03/29/2022
Branch library No. 7 of the communal institution „Rubizhne Public Library“, damaged modern building of the village culture house, book collection of the library was partially damaged
- Luhansk region, Severodonetsk district, Kudriashivka village, Tsentralna street, Recorded war crimes – 03/31/2022 (date added to database 08/16/2022) (Status: true)
Attack on 03/27/2022
Village library of the Peremoga (Peremoha) village, damaged modern building an interiors
- Kyiv region, Brovary district, Peremoga village, Kyivska street, 9, Recorded war crimes – 05/01/2022 (date added to database 05/07/2022) (Status: needs verification)
- Overview
Attack on 03/25/2022
Village library of Lukyanivka (Lukianivka) village, modern building, damaged doors
- Kyiv region, Brovary district, Lukyanivka village, Kyrponosa street, 2, Recorded war crimes – 05/01/2022 (date added to database 05/07/2022) (Status: needs verification)
- Overview
Attack on 03/22/2022
Makariv Public Library, Children’s Department, damaged old building of the early XXth century (UNESCO: Makarivska Public Library (building of the early twentieth century) – (Kyiv region) (Updated: 26.04.2022))
Informations about
- The Stoic Obeserver, Tweet, dated 04/19/2022
- „Макарівська публічна бібліотека“ in МКІП зафіксовано близько 250 епізодів воєнних злочинів росіян проти культурної спадщини, Міністерство культури та інформаційної політики України (ICCP recorded about 250 episodes of Russian war crimes against cultural heritage – Google Translation) (04/23/2022)
- Ministry of Culture and Information Policy has recorded more than 240 Russian war crimes against cultural heritage in Ukraine, Ukrayinska Pravda (04/23/2022) (Makariv Public Library, Kharkiv)
- Kyiv region, Bucha district, Makariv urban village, Dymytra Rostovskogo street, 36, Recorded war crimes – 04/09/2022 (date added to database 04/19/2022) (Status: true)
- Overview
Makariv Public Library, modern building is damaged
- Kyiv region, Bucha district, Makariv urban village, Oleksandra Dovzhenka street, 18, Recorded war crimes – 05/25/2022 (date added to database 06/27/2022) (Status: needs verification)
Attack on 03/21/2022
Library in the Cultural Center of the Federation of Greek Societies of Ukraine also also a collection of paintings by Ukrainian artists of Greek origin are damaged, modern building
- Donetsk region, Mariupol district, Mariupol city, Gretska street, 63, Recorded war crimes – 07/11/2022 (date added to database 08/08/2022) (Status: true)
- Overview
Attack on 03/19/2022
Professional Library of the Trostyanets Forest Research Station (modern building), modern building of the Trostyanets Forest Research Station, which housed the Forest Museum and the Professional Library
- Sumy region, Okhtyrka district, Trostianets city, Neskuchanska street, 15, Recorded war crimes – 03/19/2022 (date added to database 04/28/2022) (Status: needs verification)
- Overview
Attack on 2022/03/15
Library in the Kyiv Small Opera House, former Lukyanov People’s House of 1900-02 (security № 95-Kv), building damaged
- Kyiv city, Deghtiarivska street, 5, Recorded war crimes – 03/17/2022 (date added to database 03/21/2022) (Status: true)
- Overview
Attack on 03/13/2022
Central Library named after V.V. Mayakovsky, damaged building (CHYTOMO, Shulikiv Village Library, Luhansk Region )
- Kharkiv region, Kharkiv city, Myronosytska street, 81/85, Recorded war crimes – 03/31/2022 (date added to database 04/20/2022) (Status: needs verification)
- Overview
Severodonetsk City Public Library (modern building), damage unknown
Informations about
- Сєвєродонецька міська публічна бібліотека, Вікіпедія (Severodonetsk City Public Library – Google Translation)
- Сєвєродонецька міська публічна бібліотека, Жива сучасна бібліотека – БФ Бібліотечна країна (Facebook) – Informations about damages and stolen interiors (03/07/2022)
- Сєвєродонецька міська публічна бібліотека, Сєвєродонецька міська публічна бібліотека (Facebook) (Images and informations about damages) (03/07/2022)
- Luhansk region, Severodonetsk district, Severodonetsk city, Tsentralnyy prospectus, 54, Recorded war crimes – 03/31/2022 (date added to database 04/20/2022) (Status: needs verification)
- Overview
Shulikivska Village Library (modern building), damage unknown
- Luhansk region, Starobilsk district, Shulikivka village, Recorded war crimes – 03/31/2022 (date added to database 04/20/2022) (Status: needs verification)
- Overview
Starobilsk Children’s and Youth Library (modern building), damage unknown (CHYTOMO, Starobilsk Children’s and Youth Library, Luhansk Region)
Informations about
- Старобільська дитячо-юнацька бібліотека, Вікіпедія (Starobilsk Children’s and Youth Library – Google Translation)
- Luhansk region, Starobilsk district, Starobilsk city, Ordzhonikidze street, 1, Recorded war crimes – 03/31/2022 (date added to database 04/20/2022) (Status: needs verification)
- Overview
Attack on 03/11/2022
Regional children’s library, destroyed building of the former Museum of Ukrainian Antiquities V.V. Tarnowskiy, end of the XIX century (security № 12-Chg) (UNESCO: Building of regional children’s library (former Vasyl Tarnovsky Museum of Ukrainian Antiquities) – (Chernihiv region))
Informations about
- У Чернігові знищено пам’ятку 19 ст. – музей старожитностей Василя Тарновського – Chernigiv provincial zemstvo* Museum of Ukrainian Antiquities named after V.Tarnavsky. Chernihiv, 63 Shevchenko St., ICOMOS UA 03/11/2022)
- Destroyed Chernihiv. 11 March 2022., Суспільне Чернігів (YouTube) (03/11/2022)
- Kishkovsky, Sophia, Museum building heavily damaged in Ukraine’s battle-ravaged city of Chernihiv, The Art Newspaper (03/15/2022)
- Chernigiv region, Chernigiv city, Shevchenka street, 63, Recorded war crimes – 03/11/2022 (date added to database 03/11/2022) (Status: true)
- Overview
Attack on 03/07/2022
Library in the Byshiv House of Culture, modern building
- Kyiv region, Fastiv district, Byshiv village, Kyivska street, 50, Recorded war crimes – 04/13/2022 (added to database 04/13/2022) (Status true)
- Overview
Attack on 03/04/2022
Zhytomyr Regional Universal Scientific Library named after Oleg Olzhych, damaged building
Informations about
- Історична довідка, Житомирська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека імені Олега Ольжича (Historical background – Google Translation)
- Zhytomyr Regional Universal Scientific Library. Oleg Olschitsch: Житомирська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека ім. Олега Ольжича, Facebook
- Житомирська обласна універсальна наукова бібліотека імені Олега Ольжича, Вікіпедія (Zhytomyr Regional Universal Scientific Library named after Oleg Olzhych – Google Translation)
- Zhytomyr region, Zhytomyr city, Novyy boulevard, 4, Recorded war crimes – 03/04/2022 (date added to database 03/22/2022) (Status: true)
- Overview
Attack on 03/02/2022
Kharkiv State Scientific Library by V.G. Korolenko, 1899-1901 (security №№ 91, 7154-Ha) (UNESCO: Kharkiv State Scientific Library (Korolenko State Scientific Library) – (Kharkiv)) ( (CHYTOMO: VG Korolenko Kharkiv State Scientific Library)
Informations about:
- Kharkiv Korolenko State Scientific Library, Wikipedia (engl.);
- Kharkiv Korolenko State Scientific Library, Ukrainian Cultural Foundation
- The bombing of Kharkiv damaged one of Europe’s largest libraries, CHYTOMO (03/14/2022)
- The Stoic Obeserver, Tweet, dated 03/15/2022 <- different date, dated attack on 03/12/2022
- Через бомбардування у Харкові постраждала Харківська державна наукова бібліотека імені Короленка, Міністерство культури та інформаційної політики України (The Korolenko Kharkiv State Scientific Library was damaged by bombing in Kharkiv – Google Translation) (03/13/2022)
- БОЙКО, Володимир, Нищення бібліотек, Європейська Україна – European Ukraine (Destruction of libraries – Googleübersetzung) (31.03.2022)
- У Харкові російські війська обстріляли бібліотеку імені Короленка, Укрінформ (In Kharkiv, Russian troops fired on the Korolenko Library – Google Translation) (03/13/2022)
- РФ б’є по центру Харкова: постраждала бібліотека Короленка, Суспільне Харків (YouTube) – Look inside the damaged library. (03/12/2022)
- Харківська державна наукова бібліотека імені В.Г. Короленка постраждала від ракетного обстрілу, Жива сучасна бібліотека – БФ Бібліотечна країна (Faccebook) – Reporting of losses and received holdings (04/24/2022)
- Kharkiv region, Kharkiv city, Korolenka street, 18, Recorded war crimes – 03/11/2022 (date added to database 03/11/2022) (Status: true)
- Overview
Central Scientific Library of Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazin, damaged building, built in the late XIXth – early XXth century (security №№ 200002-H, 428). (CHYTOMO: Central Scientific Library of VN Karazin Kharkiv National University)
Informations about:
- Central Scientific Library, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.
- Университетская библиотека в центре Харькова пострадала от бомбежки (ФОТО), KharkivToday (University library in the center of Kharkov suffered from bombing (PHOTOS) – Google Translation) (03.03.2022)
- Kharkiv region, Kharkiv city, Universytetska street, 23, Recorded war crimes – 03/11/2022 (date added to database 04/19/2022) (Status: true)
- Overview
Local History Museum of Borodyanka region and Borodyanka Central Library, damaged modern building
Informations about:
- „Рускій мір“ добрався й до нашої бібліотеки!, Бородянська центральна бібліотека (Facebook) – „Russian Peace“ has reached our library! (12.04.2022)
- Не оминуло лихо і міську бібліотеку – на фото., Жива сучасна бібліотека – БФ Бібліотечна країна (Facebook), Report about the situation in Borodyanka (04/13/2022)
- Kyiv region, Bucha district, Borodianka urban village, Parkova street, 1-a, Recorded war crimes – 04/09/2022 (date added to database 04/10/2022) (Status: true)
Attack on 03/01/2022
Severodonetsk City Public Library, (Central city library) (modern building), book fund of the library was partially destroyed (UNESCO: Severodonetsk Central City Library – Severodonetsk (Luhansk region) (Updated 27.07.2022))
- Luhansk region, Severodonetsk district, Severodonetsk city, Tsentralnyy prospectus, 54, Recorded war crimes – 05/04/2022 (date added to database 07/20/2022) (Status true)
Attack on 02/28/2022
Chernihiv Central City Library named after M. Kotsyubynsky, damaged building (UNESCO: Central City Library M. Kotsiubynsky – (Chernihiv)) (CHYTOMO: MM Kotsiubynsky Chernihiv Central City Library)
Information about
- Чернігів двічі за день обстріляли російські окупанти: знищено історичну будівлю, 0462.ua (Google Translation) (02/27/2022) <- different date
- Лагута, Людмила, Публічні бібліотеки в реаліях війни, Національна бібліотека України ім. Ярослава Мудрого (Public libraries in the realities of war – Google Translation) (03/01/2022)
- Чернігівська міська центральна бібліотека ім. М. Коцюбинського, Жива сучасна бібліотека – БФ Бібліотечна країна (Facebook) – Information, that the building is very damaged and not suitable for full operation (04/26/2022)
- Bobyr, Valentin, Маю надію, що цей притулок культури і куточок розвитку творчості невдовзі прийде до тями, Бібліотека Імені М.Коцюбинського Чернігів (04/21/2022) – Pictures from inside the library (04/21/2022)
- Chernihiv City Central Library was damaged. M. Kotsyubynsko and the city children’s library named after O. Dovzhenko, Українська бібліотечна асоціація/Ukrainian Library Association – Report and pictures (02/28/2022)
- Чернігівська центральна міська бібліотека імені М. М. Коцюбинського, 1948 — 2022, Міністерство культури та інформаційної політики України (Chernihiv Central City Library named after M.M. Kotsyubynskyi, 1948 — 2022 – Google Translation) (undated)
- Chernigiv region, Chernigiv city, Kyrponosa street, 22, Recorded war crimes – 03/01/2022 (date added to database 03/22/2022) (Status: true)
- Overview
Chernihiv City Library for Children named after O.P. Dovzhenko, as well as partially destroyed the exposition of the museum of the Olexander Dovzhenko located in it. (CHYTOMO: OP Dovzhenko Chernihiv City Library for Children)
Informations about
- Центральна бібліотека для дітей ім. О.Довженка, Центральна бібліотека для дітей ім. О.Довженка (Facebook) (Pictures of the damaged library) (04/14/2022)
- Chernihiv City Central Library was damaged. M. Kotsyubynsko and the city children’s library named after O. Dovzhenko, Українська бібліотечна асоціація/Ukrainian Library Association – Report and pictures (02/28/2022)
- Chernigiv region, Chernigiv city, Kyrponosa street, 22, Recorded war crimes – 03/01/2022 (date added to database 04/20/2022) (Status: true)
- Overview
Attack on 02/25/2022
Village library of Soldatske village – a branch of the Trostyanets Public Library, damaged modern building
Informations about:
- Воронаj, Катерина i Крахматова, Діана, Скинули дві бомби в центр села. Що сталося із новою бібліотекою в селі на Сумщині після російських бомбардувань, Суспільне (They dropped two bombs in the center of the village. What happened to the new library in a village in the Sumy region after the Russian bombing – Google Translation) (04/27/2022)
- Sumy region, Okhtyrka district, Soldatske village, Tsentralna street, 2, Recorded war crimes – 03/29/2022 (date added to database 04/29/2022) (Status: true)
- Overview
References to other libraries – so far without dating
…, clear assignment to the libraries listed above or listed in the official sources at the top of the list.
Chernihiv Regional Library for Youth, Chernihiv
- Chernihiv Regional Library for Youth (CHYTOMO, 04/01/2022)
- The regional library for youth in Chernihiv was destroyed, UNIAN (04/11/2022)
- Defence on Ukraine, Tweet, dated 04/17/2022
- ChrisO, Tweet dated 04/17/2022 (Thread)
Informations about:
- Library in Chernihiv Reduced to Rubble After Overnight Shelling – Video auf YouTube, VOAnews (03/12/2022) <- no clear assignment as to which library it is exactly
- Русские скидывают фугасные бомбы на города и библиотеки, Чернигов. День 16. Война в Украине 2022, УКРАЇНА ВІЙНА – УКРАИНА ВОЙНА – UKRAINE WAR (Youtube)(Russians drop high-explosive bombs on cities and libraries, Chernihiv. Day 16. The war in Ukraine in 2022) (03/11/2022)
- Нова жертва російської агресії – Чернігівська обласна бібліотека для юнацтва, Жива сучасна бібліотека – БФ Бібліотечна країна (Facebook) – VIDEO: A new victim of Russian aggression is the Chernihiv Regional Library for Youth‼ (03/11/2022)
Sievierodonetsk City Public Library, Luhansk
- Sievierodonetsk City Public Library, Luhansk Region (CHYTOMO, 04/01/2022)
Library in Obukhovychi of Ivankiv community (Ivankivska TG)
Informations about:
- „In Obukhovychi, Ivankiv community, Russians damaged houses, a library and an assembly hall.“ (З 24 лютого на Київщині окупанти пошкодили 1329 об’єктів, іще 546 повністю зруйнували, Еспресо (Since February 24, the occupiers have damaged 1,329 objects in the Kyiv region, and completely destroyed another 546, Espresso – Google Translation) (04/17/2022)
- Попов, Олександр, На Київщині станом на 16 квітня виявлені значні руйнування в понад десяти населених пунктах, – КОВА, КиївВлада ( In the Kiev region as of April 16 significant destructions in more than ten settlements are revealed, – KOVASocial Media – Google Translation) (04/16/2022)
Library stock of Ternivka Branch Library No. 16 for adults, city of Nikolaev, almost 20,000 publications burned, interim storage
Informations about
- Гордієнко, Олександр, Вивезені фонди спалені, але читальня працює.Тернівська бібліотека в Миколаєві під час війни, Суспільне (Exported funds are burned, but the reading room works. Terniv Library in Nikolaev during war – Google Translation) (04/17/2022)
Scientific and pedagogical library in Nikolaev, explosion destroyed doors, windows and some walls
Informations about
- Науково-педагогічна бібліотека в Миколаєві постраждала від крилатої ракети, Жива сучасна бібліотека – БФ Бібліотечна країна (Facebook) – Information about the destroyed library (05/05/2022)
Museum of local history in Mariupol with its library, loss of 17.000 books
Informations about
- У Маріуполі знищили краєзнавчий музей, You Art (A museum of local lore was destroyed in Mariupol – Google Translation) (04/18/2022)
- Білаш, Ксенія, Окупанти знищили краєзнавчий музей у Маріуполі, LB.ua (The occupiers destroyed the museum of local lore in Mariupol – Google Translation) (04/19/2022)
University Library of Sumy University, Shelling on 03/12/2022, The university library suffered the most.
Informations about
- Іванців, Настя, Окупанти скинули пʼять бомб на Сумський державний університет, LB.ua (The occupiers dropped five bombs on Sumy State University – Google Translation) (03/12/2022)
Central Library in Vuhledar in the Donetsk region, burned down
Informations about
- У Вугледарі внаслідок обстрілу згоріла центральна бібліотека, Волноваха.City (The central library in Vuhledar burned down as a result of the shelling – Google Translation) (04/11/2022)
- Згоріла Центральна публічна бібліотека Вугледарської міської ТГ, Жива сучасна бібліотека – БФ Бібліотечна країна (Facebook) – Report of the librarian Antonina Nemyria (04/10/2022)
Stanislavsky Public Library, village of Oleksandrivka, Kherson region, lost of 16.000 books
Informations about
- Facebook of КЗ „Cтаніславська публічна бібліотека“
- Librarian of the КЗ „Cтаніславська публічна бібліотека„ reported the destruction of the library at facebook (Ukrainian) (04/04/2022)
- На Херсонщині російські військові знищили бібліотеку з понад 16 тисяч книг, Суспільне (In the Kherson region, the Russian military destroyed a library of more than 16,000 books – Google Translation) (04.04.2022)
Donetsk Regional Library for Children in Mariupol, burned down
Informations about
- Згоріло приміщення Донецької обласної бібліотеки для дітей в м. Маріуполь, Жива сучасна бібліотека – БФ Бібліотечна країна (Facebook) – Information about the destroyed library (04/16/2022)
Library in the Lysychansk Gymnasium (now the Lysychansk Lyceum №17), building of the late 19th century, probably the loss of all library holdings
Informations about
- На Луганщині окупанти прицільно обстріляли Лисичанську гімназію, Жива сучасна бібліотека – БФ Бібліотечна країна (Facebook) – Information about the Gymnasium and the library holdings (05/04/2022)
Library of the Izium Lyceum №1, burned down, loss of 20.000 copies
Informations about
- Будівля Ізюмського ліцею №1 згоріла разом з бібліотекою, Жива сучасна бібліотека – БФ Бібліотечна країна (Facebook) – Information about the Gymnasium and the library holdings (04/30/2022)
Chernihiv city centralized library system, Chernihiv City Library, damaged library
- Російська ракета поцілила в українську бібліотеку у Чернігові, Час Чернігівський – Time Chernihiv (A Russian rocket aimed at the Ukrainian library in Chernihiv – Google Translation) (03/01/2022)
- З’явилися світлини зруйнованої бібліотеки в Чернігові (Фотофакт), Чeline (Photos from inside the library) (03/01/2022)
- Popovych, Olena, У Чернігові, а точніше у Чернігівській міській бібліотеці ім. М. М. Коцюбинського (Facebook) – The librarian suffers from the condition of the library after the destruction (pictures) (04/14/2022)
Branch Library № 35 for children of the Shevchenkivsky District Central Library of Kharkiv,
Informations about
- Нова постраждала бібліотека! Бібліотека-філія № 35 для дітей ЦБС Шевченківського району м. Харкова, Жива сучасна бібліотека – БФ Бібліотечна країна (Facebook) – damaged building, no possibility to see inside the library (03/16/2022)
- Бібліотека-філія № 35 для дітей ЦБС Шевченківського району – Homepage of the library
Two-Story Public Library in Polohy, building ist damaged (no further informations)
Informations about
- Under the Russian boot: how citizens of Polohy live through hell of occupation, Ukraine Crisis media center (05/17/2022)
Village Library of Maliyivka, Russian soldiers burned library books
Informations about
- Давидова, Юлія, У тимчасово захопленій росіянами Боровій на Харківщині меншає окупантів — селищна рада, Суспільне (In Borovaya, temporarily occupied by the Russians in the Kharkiv region, the village council is reducing the number of occupiers – Google Translation) (05/13/2022)
„У селі Маліївка російські військові розтоплюють піч книгами з місцевої бібліотеки, а в Пісках-Радьківських організували зйомки відеофільму про псевдорозмінування сільської бібліотеки.“
Translation: „In the village of Maliyivka, the Russian military is heating the stove with books from the local library, and in Pisky-Radkivsky they have organized the shooting of a video film about the pseudo-demining of the village library.“
Attack on 05/12/2022
Childrens Library of Nikolaev, Pivdenna Street, Ingul district , damaged facade
Informations about
- Горбатенко, Ігор i Руда, Ольга, І вдень, і вночі. Російські війська обстрілюють Миколаїв у будь-який час доби, Суспільне (Both day and night. Russian troops fire at Nikolaev at any time of the day – Google Translation) (05/13/2022)
Library of Velyka Kostroma, Zelenodolsk community, damaged (no further informations)
- Унаслідок нічного обстрілу в Зеленодольській громаді зруйновані і пошкоджені 8 будинків і бібліотека, Інтерфакс-Україна (As a result of night shelling in the Zelenodolsk community 8 houses and library were destroyed and damaged – Google Translation) (05.06.2022)
Library in the Diamant Palace of Culture, Lysychansk, Luhansk region, burned (06/16/2022)
Informations about
- Deadly air strike hits Ukraine frontline city as it readies for street battle, France 24 (06/17/2022)
School library, Kharkiv’s Novobavarskyi District (06/08/2022)
Informations about
- Two civilians killed, four injured in Russia’s shelling of Kharkiv, Ukrinform (06/09/2022)
- 2 civilians killed in fires caused by Russian shelling of Kharkiv on 8 June, Ukrainska Pravda (06/09/2022)
- Night shelling of Kharkov: two people were killed, a store, a cafe and a school library burned down (photo), World Today News (06/09/2022)
School library of Novobykivsky General Secondary Education School, Novyi Bykiv, Chernihiv region east of Kyiv, damaged library with destroyed textbooks
Informations about
- Russian soldiers smashed up a Ukrainian school. Then they purportedly left messages for pupils urging peace, 9News.com.au (06/10/2022)
Library in Barvinkovo, Kharkiv region , burned down almost to the ground
Informations about
- Солодовнік, Марія; Кривко, Роман, Близько 10 бібліотек Харківщини знищені внаслідок війни, 215 перебувають в окупації, Суспільне (About 10 libraries of Kharkiv region were destroyed as a result of the war, 215 are under occupation – Google Translation) (07/30/2022)
City library in Izyum, Kharkiv region, 2 libraries for adults and children, destroyed
Informations about
- Солодовнік, Марія; Кривко, Роман, Близько 10 бібліотек Харківщини знищені внаслідок війни, 215 перебувають в окупації, Суспільне (About 10 libraries of Kharkiv region were destroyed as a result of the war, 215 are under occupation – Google Translation) (07/30/2022)
Library, Local Lore Museum in the village of Ivankiv, Kyiv region (library building and collection)
Informations about
- The MCIP published the list of cultural monuments ruined by russians, Читомо – Chytomo (2022/08/05)
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