Schlagwort: Hund
Puppy Cat Song
Puppy Cat Song from Buscarons on Vimeo.
This is a videoclip we did for Sung Jin-Hwan's song 강아지 고양이 노래 (Puppy Cat Song)
It describes the longtime friendship these cat and dog have while playing in the forest.
It's such a sweet lullaby that we didn't hesitate for a moment to make it a video… and we're very proud to finally show it!
Hope you enjoy this as much as we do!!
Producer: Minyoung Kim
Storyboards, direction and animation: Juan Buscarons
Illustrations: Margarita Cubino
Additional animation: Javier Vaquero
Die Wahrheit über Katzen- und Hundelieberhaber
Zum Internationalen Tag der Katze im Jahr 2016, veröffentlichte Facebook Forschungsergebnisse, welche die Unterschiede zwischen Katzen-Menschen und Hunde-Menschen auf einer sozialen Plattform analysierten.
Cat People vs. Dog People:…
Die Freundschaftsformel
The Friendship Formula from Johanna Lambert on Vimeo.
[Infografik] Berühmte Tiere in der Literatur
Cat’s Innerer Circle
Cat's Inner Circle Trailer from Rariyn on Vimeo.
Warum Katzen kein Wasser mögen
Danger Dolan
Animated by: ReturnoftheGoo…
Character design by: ReturnoftheGoo
Music/SFX by: Epic Mountain Music
Credits music: „Sugar Plum Dark Mix“ Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0…
[No Cat] Ein Geschenk
Nach: Comic von Fabio Coala
[No Cat] Hundeillusionen
A Dog's Dignified Delusions from Jeremy Mazzu on Vimeo.