Book Power (1969) von Gwendolyn Brooks

Gwendolyn Brooks (1917-2000) schrieb dieses Gedicht anlässlich der National Children’s Book Week im Jahre 1969. Sie und zwei andere zählen zu den einzigen drei afro-amerikanischen Schriftsteller*innen, die je den Pulitzer Preis gewinnen konnten:

by Gwendolyn Brooks


In all this willful world
of thud and thump and thunder
man’s relevance to books
continues to declare.

Books are meat and medicine
and flame and flight and flower,
steel, stitch, and cloud and clout,
and drumbeats in the air.

[Zitat] Unkommentiert – 1969

Libraries and librarians, as I have said, will be able to play a significant role. They must, and I repeat, develop an active orientation to these developments rather than mantain a passive wait-and-see attitude. To be activist will recquire that they develop new energies in seeking to identify the changing requirements of their patrons; to encourage rather than to resist demands for improved, expanded, and accelerated services; to be in a position to identify requirements so these systems will be more responsive to the library’s users; and, most important, to demonstrate a willingness to assume responsibility for meeting service requirements and a readiness to set their sails to the winds of change.”

Burton W. Adkinson & Henry J. Dubester