[Infografik] 10 Dinge über Bibliothekar*innen

Paraschiv, Petra: 1 year of writing about libraries (and 10 things we learned about librarians), Princh.com


Bruno Mars Uptown Funk Parody: Unread Book

Die Orange Public Library schuf in Zusammenarbeit mit der Chapman University eine Parodie auf die unschlagbare Single „Uptown Funk“ von Bruno Mars. Der Titel hierzu lautet „Unread Book“ und wird von Pogona Creative interpretiert. Was haltet ihr davon?

Gefunden auf: LIS-News

Weiterführende Links: yourguybrarian.com


The FUNdamentals of Book Care in Five Easy Lessons

A film created for National Library Week by George Mason University Libraries. The short film provides informative lessons about preservation and proper book care. Framed in a lighthearted and whimsical manner, the film derails traditional library stereotypes and reinforces how fun a library can be. It also gives a special behind the scenes look at the library preservation lab.

Das Video steht unter einer Creative Commons Lizenz.


Die Abenteuer des „Special Librarian“

Get a rare glimpse into a day in the life of a corporate research librarian in 1964! Created for National Library Week by Grieg Aspnes, Research Librarian for Cargill, the film shows Grieg going about his day as he visits other libraries throughout the Twin Cities, trying to answer a complex question for an internal customer.

At the time, the film was sent several places in the U.S., as it was used by several library schools and at professional events. It was also shown on local television station, WCCO TV, channel 4, along with a panel of special librarians, for a career segment. As you watch, be sure to pay attention to the „little black bag“!
