Cycling for Libraries – Eindrücke Tag 1 (28.07.2012) [Update]

Wer nicht dabei sein kann, hat wieder die Möglichkeit, erste Eindrücke über das Video-Tagebuch zu erhalten:
Tag 1

[Update 31.07.2012]

[Update 02.08.2012]
Goltz, Julia: Cyc4Lib: day#1 (vilnius, saturday), if stories could tell ~ road trips to here and there

Sie radeln wieder – #cyc4lib 2012

Auch dieses Jahr radeln sie wieder… Sie? – Bibliothekare auf ihrer Unkonferenz Cycling for Libraries 2012 sind vom 28.07. bis 07.08. von Vilnius über Riga und Tartu bis Talin mit dem Fahrrad unterwegs.

Logo Cycling for Libraries 2012

Ziel dieses Events ist es:

Cycling for libraries supports grassroots networking, and internationalism, physical and mental well-being of library professionals, and — last but not least — the crucial role of libraries for the society and for the intellectual and scientific education in general. Cycling for libraries also supports environmental values and ecological way of life.

Many values inherited from librarianship are present here: openness, liberalism, access to information, lifelong learning and innovativeness. Librarianship is also by it’s very nature humanist, internationalist, cross-boundary and hands-on.

Auch dieses Jahr geht die Organisation wieder von Mace Ojala und Jukka Pennanen aus, die vielen noch vom letzten Jahr bekannt sind.

Wer nicht dabei sein kann, hat wieder die Möglichkeit, erste Eindrücke über das Video-Tagebuch zu erhalten. Wir werden im Blog wie im letzten Jahr täglich die kurzen Filme einbinden 🙂

Über Twitter kann man die Konferenz mit dem Hashtag #cyc4lib verfolgen. Bei Facebook gibt es noch immer die Fansite “Cycling for Libraries“.


“I try to make my library a comfortable, attractive and modern place …”


PRVA GIMNAZIJA SPLIT (The First Grammar school)
21 000 SPLIT

About me:
I am 28 years old. After one year of living and working in London in order to improve my English, I finished a five-year study of Information and Library Science in Zadar in Croatia and gained the title of master of Library science, specialized in digitizing. I started working in the school library in Split in November 2011. Split is the largest city in Dalmatia. It is situated at the East coast of the Adriatic Sea, centred around the ancient Roman Palace of the Emperor Diocletian and its bay and port. With a population of 220,000 citizens and a metropolitan area numbering up to 349,314.


Split is by far the largest Dalmatian city and the second-largest city of Croatia.

About school:
We are a four-year grammar school focusing on modern and classical languages. Our 673 students achieve exellent academic results and show keen interest in a variety of subjects, preparing them for university studies. Our over 50 staff members teach subjects ranging from Humanities (Croatian, foreign languages, classical Latin and Greek, history, philosophy, ethics, logic, sociology, psychology, religious education), IT, PE and Arts to Sciences (mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, geography). The school also offers different extracurricular activities such as sports, creative writing and journalism, drama, photography, volunteer work.

We have modern classrooms with 30 computers, biology and chemistry cabinet. Each classroom has an LCD projector, cabinets with audio devices, books and dictionaries for foreign languages and all teachers use portable computers. Schools headmaster is Marijan Puljiz.

About library:
The library was founded in 1992. Its collection consists of titles that are in function of language teaching and classical fields. The library has a valuable collection of historic rarities. Since 1993. it is registered by the Regional Bureau for the Protection of Cultural Monuments as a cultural heritage for preservation.

Today we are using computers, Internet and multimedia to access any content for school. Our objective is to provide our customers with prompt and accurate information about the amenities that interest them and help them to develop their creativity potential and to use their gained knowledge.

1. How long have you been a member of the library circus? (eg, the first library experience, first job in the library, etc.)

University education gave me a wide range of theoretical knowledge, but also insight into the practical aspects. My first library experience was during the practice work in a public library as a part of my first year on the University 2005./2006.. Since then I worked in many different libraries during my education and after my graduation I worked in an elementary school and my current job is in this high school in Split, Croatia.

2. What has driven you to look for / accept a job in the library area? (your motivation)

I have always been a huge book lover and combined with my passion for technology, this makes it a perfect job to me. I enjoy working with customers, particularly with students in the school library. My one year of internship in Elementary School helped me acquire desirable experience in working with children through workshops and lectures that I did in each class based on the Curriculum for school libraries in Croatia.

 3. What are your responsibilities and how has your opinion changed as most clearly?

As a school librarian in charge of the entire library, I have many chores. This includes developing book collection, online catalouging, organizing it on shelves and preservation. I also participate in all the important school events, cooperating with other teachers. I organize many workshops or lectures with students and make posters about important events. I have also formed a group of students interested in librarianship in order to develop literacy skills and encourage reading.


Knjiznica (School Library)

4. What kind of role does Social Media play in your life? What does it offer for your work?

Like many other people I use social media, preferably Facebook. It helps me a lot to improve social interaction by staying in touch with friends and relatives I know in real life. It is a brilliant use of the web, it has many of the features as well as the platform and news feed and that’s really beneficial. It helps me a lot with my work as well. Even though I tend to avoid giving away too personal information and uploading too many personal photos, because it is common for our future employers to check out our profiles in order to collect as much information about potencial employees. As far as my colleagues, I prefer talking to them through Facebook group „Knjižničari“ (meaning Librarians) where I can get all the neccessary information and where we help each other with different advice and ideas.

Since I’m currently working in a school library there is much controversy regarding students’ use of Facebook in a library at school. My opinion is that it should not be completely forbbiden, since the Internet browsing is already censored while we use CARNET (Croatian Academic Research Network) connection and students’ computers are censored for all the inappropriate content. I try to make my library a comfotable, attractive and modern place as much as I can, so I allow them to use Facebook and other social networks while I unobtrusively monitor their behaviour and they appreciate it. Not only do they come to the library to relax and chat during the break, but they also use it to gain some knowledge, share information and help each other.

So to me, social media is crucial to use as a tool to expand my social and professional network.

 5. What priorities will emerge for the future development/evolution for your job/ the library you work for?

My future professional ambition is to work in a multicultural environment and explore different approaches in Librarianship. I am very passionate about Information literacy, digital libraries and the future of Information science. I am very much looking forward to new opportunities in the same field and I hope to fulfil my desire for long life learning.

Zwei Videos über die interkulturelle Arbeit der Garden Library in Tel Aviv

It is true that a single library will not save the world. But until then the foreign communities are the weakest group in the population and there is no one who will be there for them. Where is the social justice when it is needed, and quickly, before another law or amendment is enacted that will also ban support for this welcome humanitarian initiative?” Esther Zandberg (Journalistin der Tageszeitung Haaretz)

An dieser Stelle will ich über die “Garden Library” im Levinsky Park in Tel Aviv berichten, die von einer möglichen Schließung bedroht ist und dringend finanzielle Förderung benötigt. Die vor zwei Jahren eröffnete Bibliothek ist für die Migranten Community und die Anwohner im Süden Tel Avivs eine wichtige Anlaufstelle. Seit der Eröffnung dieser Einrichtung, war sie immer mehr als “nur” eine Bibliothek: Kulturzentrum, Community-Zentrum, Treffpunkt und Anlaufstelle.

Die Bibliothek wurden von ARTEAM ins Leben gerufen und wird auch von dieser Gruppe unterhalten. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Gruppe von Künstlern, die sich aktiv für die Belange und Bedürfnisse ihrer vielfältigen Community engagiert. Sie besteht aus ZuwanderInnen aus unterschiedlichen Ländern, die als ErntehelferInnen, BauarbeiterInnen, KrankenpflegerInnen, RaumpflegerInnen und Flüchtlinge nach Israel kamen oder weil sie aus ihren Ländern vor Hunger, Folter, korrupten Diktaturen flohen. Die einzigartige architektonische Struktur befindet sich im Zentrum des Parks. 2/3 der 400.000 ausländischen EinwohnerInnen Tel Avivs, insbesondere im Stadtteil Neve Sha’anan, sind “illegal” im Land.

Sie verfügt über Bücher in 16 Sprachen, einschließlich hebräisch. Der Bibliotheksbestand besteht aus Büchern auf Nepalesisch, Thai, Mandarin, Hindi, Spanisch, Hebräisch, Rumänisch, Französisch, Arabisch und Tagalog (die am meisten verbreitete Sprache der Phillipienen). Die Bücher in Thai stammen von einem israelischen Unternehmer, der in Thailand eine Fabrik besitzt. Der Besitzer einer Buchhandlung für spanische Bücher überzeugte seine Kunden davon Bücher an die “Garden Library” zu spenden. Ebenso waren viel BotschaftsmitarbeiterInnen beteiligt, da sie in an deren Arbeitsorten Bücher in den jeweiligen Sprachen besorgten. Viel dazu hat auch das Außenministerium beigetragen, das mithilfe seiner MitarbeiterInnen Bücher aus anderen Ländern anschaffte. Wären dies nicht auch unkonventionelle Ideen und informelle Wege, welche vielen Bibliotheken auch hierzulande helfen würden ihren mehrsprachigen Bestand auszubauen? Ein Netzwerk mit Expatriats, BotschaftsmitarbeiterInnen, Philantrophen, PolitikerInnen und anderen international vernetzten Menschen zu bilden, um einen Bestand an mehrsprachigen Büchern aufbauen, der Vielfalt anerkennt und nicht nur wie hierzulande Bücher meist nur auf türkisch, russisch und chinesich anbietet?

Geführt wird die Bibliothek von ehrenamtlichen Männern und Frauen, angefangen von Rentnern, MusikerInnen, Künstlern, Fabrikdirektoren, Ingenieuren, AkademikerInnen, WirtschaftswissenschaftlerInnen und MitarbeiterInnen des Militärs. Die meisten von Ihnen sehen diese Aufgabe als Berufung an und verwenden ihre Freizeit hierfür. Institutionelle Partner des Projekts ist die städtische Hilfsorganisation Mesilla, die Stadtverwaltung und die staatliche Lotteriegesellschaft Mifal Hapais.


“Reinvention and regeneration: the message for me at the Bibliothekartag 2011 Berlin June 2011”

Von John Dolan

I was first struck by the number of delegates – over 4,700 – and the scale and complexity of the event. Now here I was in Europe, at and event that would reflect the universal presence of libraries in our lives – in school, college and university, in business, health and government, in kindergarten and across the communities of cities, towns and villages. However, what really mattered was quality. I was not disappointed.

The most important feature – rather like CILIP’s Umbrella conference in the UK – was that the event embraced all library sectors and covered all aspects of library and information policy and provision; from technical to technology, from publishing to reading, from conservation to communications, from the physical to the virtual.

In Berlin. Being in Berlin for the first time was a phenomenal experience and I was helped hugely by Wolfgang Kaiser, my conference “mentor” both during the conference and on my weekend stay. We saw many sights – as librarian and tourist.

I went on the evening cycle ride for the Long Night of the Libraries. In contrast to the disturbing memorial to the Nazi book burning by Humboldt University (the guide said they only burnt books from public, not academic, libraries, which I found interesting) was the inspiring terraced interior of the 1995 university library.

From there we visited the Bibliothek am Luisenbad, a modernised and extended (1995) historic spa house. Children and families in this predominantly Turkish area are the priority. Staff tell of crowded days, not enough seats, staff and volunteer-supported learning and cultural programmes, partnerships with adult education, health and community workers. It is similar to my experience of UK inner-city library services and with 29 staff and 40 volunteers helping with programmes, though pressured, it is flourishing.

International colleagues reinventing libraries. I was amazed by the Cycling for Libraries group – their marathon journey from Copenhagen and their relaxed but persuasive presentation. Above all they – notably, organiser Mace Ojala – exuded a tremendous passion for libraries and the freedoms, learning and cultural experiences that people get from libraries.

Meeting colleagues from other countries is always rewarding; colleagues from developing countries struggle with hardly any resources to bring reading and learning to poor communities; in big western economies supporters advocate for libraries as democratic spaces; libraries are places to learn, community centres, information resources.

I was there because in 2010 I organised a visit to the UK of the DBV Commission for Intercultural Library Services. They came to look at library services for new communities and at the Bibliothekartag published a statement on the library’s role in this area of access and social justice. We hope it will soon be re-launched as a joint statement with CILIP in the UK.

It was a pleasure for me to meet friends and colleagues from the Goethe Institute in New Delhi. I had worked with them on Indian library development. It is typical of the Goethe that they carry the message of the value of libraries across the world (Goethe is supporting a conference in Athens in October Redefining Library Services: Responding to the Economic Downturn ). The joy of the Goethe is that while they promote German language and culture they also invest imaginatively in the quality of life of their host countries.

Regenerating libraries. The power of the Bibliothekartag reminded me of such conferences in the UK about 20 years ago. The LIS community was strong, new communications technologies were emerging, new public and university libraries were opening. The UK has always been active in library innovation. At the moment UK public libraries, in particular, are suffering badly from cuts to public spending with reduced service budgets and threats of library. There are challenges too in other areas such as library services in schools. CILIP our national professional body is working hard advocating for library provision which we all know is fundamental to a free and prosperous society.

I am concerned that in twenty years time libraries in Germany are not suffering like their UK partners. How to avoid this? Libraries are often a resource that underpins other endeavour. Consequently they may be seen as peripheral to the main agenda. Instead our society cannot function without access to credible information and cultural resources that libraries mediate. Ensure that libraries develop a central role in education, lifelong learning, citizen and community information, literature and culture. Libraries are part of national life. Above all do the research to prove it and then promote that message loud and clear to advocates and power-brokers.

To maintain such a critical role librarians must constantly reinvent the library service responding to changing needs with new ideas, exploiting new learning and communications technologies, refreshing resources and renewing the unique and essential skills base of the library professional. What I saw at the Bibliothekartag 2011 was the regeneration of a united industry. I hope it can be shared as a model for other countries.

John Dolan OBE

Birmingham, England

Zum Autor

John Dolan was Head of Library Policy for England and, previously, Head of Birmingham Libraries. He has had an extensive career in UK public libraries and has spoken at many conferences in the UK and elsewhere. John led the early development for the Library of Birmingham  which opens in 2013. He is now a Trustee of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP). The views expressed here are his own.

Vorstellung der Pratham Stiftung: Vermittlung von Bildung durch Bibliotheken und Schulen in Indien

Die Pratham Stiftung hat unterschiedliche Schwerpunkte, wie sie Kindern aus einkommensschwachsen Familien in Indien hilft. Die Hauptaufgabe liegt in der Vermittlung von Bildung. Ziel ist es, ein Bewußtsein zu schaffen mehr unterpriveligierte Kinder den Schulbesuch zu ermöglichen und  Kindern das nötige Handwerkszeug wie auch neben einer Grundbildung die englische Sprache beizubringen. Hierzu wird eng mit den Dorfgeimeinschaften und der lokalen Verwaltung zusammengearbeitet. Es werden Modelle entwickelt, die garantieren sollen, dass einer großen Anzahl von Kindern geholfen werden können und diese auch eine weiteren Einfluß auf deren Bildungsbiographien haben. Pratham setzt sich in seinem “Village Library Programme” dafür ein, dass Kindern in ländlichen Gebieten der Zugang zu Büchern ermöglicht wird. Pratham ist aber in städtischen Slums vor Ort und erreicht mit der verschieden Stiftungssitzen in den USA, Kanada und Großbritannien eine hohe Anzahl von UnterstützerInnen. Auf einem Galadiner kamen z.B. innerhalb von 60 Sekunden £60,000 zusammen. Auch in Deutschland gibt es einen Verein (Pratham e.V.), dass sich für die Anliegen der Pratham Stiftung einsetzt und seinen Sitz in Düsseldorf hat. Er besteht aus 25 Mitgliedern und hat seit seiner Gründung 40.000 € an Spenden aufgebracht. Wer Interesse hat Mitglied zu werden kann sich an wenden.


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