Schlagwort: Leser

[Adventskalender] 22.12.2018 – Gebet für einen Leser

Snider, Grant: A Reader’s Blessing, INCIDENTAL COMICS (06.10.2014), CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

[Adventskalender] 20.12.2018 – Das Manifest eines Lesers

Snider, Grant: A Reader’s Manifesto, INCIDENTAL COMICS (04.105.2015), CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

[Adventskalender] 18.12.2018 – Im Buch feststecken

Snider, Grant: Stuck in a Book, INCIDENTAL COMICS (30.06.2016), CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Die Bücherregale der anderen

Snider, Grant: Other People’s Bookshelves, INCIDENTAL COMICS (25.07.2018), CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
[Infografik] Zehn interessante Fakten über das Lesen
[Update, 24.05.2017]
The original graphic comes from: Tell A Tale
[Zitat] Kommentiert – 1969
“A good reader, a major reader, an active and creative reader is a rereader.” Vladimir Nabokov
Auf die Frage, was einen guten Leser/eine gute Leserin auszeichnet, lieferte Nabokov 1969 in einem BBC-Interview mehr Antworten:
- The reader should belong to a book club.
- The reader should identify himself or herself with the hero or heroine.
- The reader should concentrate on the social-economic angle.
- The reader should prefer a story with action and dialogue to one with none.
- The reader should have seen the book in a movie.
- The reader should be a budding author.
- The reader should have imagination.
- The reader should have memory.
- The reader should have a dictionary.
- The reader should have some artistic sense.
[Infografik] Wie man mehr Leser und Leserinnen für seine Blogposts gewinnt
Quelle: Business2Community
Der Bücherbus
Im Alter von 8 Jahren arbeitete Storm Reyse schon in Vollzeit mit anderern Migranten auf Bauernhöfen auf den Feldern außerhalb von Tacoma (Washington).Eines Tages kam ein Bücherbus an und brachte ihr neue Welten und Hoffnung.
Directed by: Julie Zammarchi
Executive Producers: Donna Galeno, Dave Isay, Lizzie Jacobs & Maya Millett
Producers: Rachel Hartman & Daniel Sitts
Audio Produced by: Michael Garofalo
Design: Connie Leung
Animation: Rebecca Raeder & Thomas Crew
Production Intern: Felix Lopez
Original Music: Joshua Abrams
Music Performed by: Joshua Abrams, Hamid Drake, Marquis Hill, Emmett Kelly & Adam Thornburg
Music Mixed by: Joshua Abrams & Neil Strauch
Special Thanks: Storm Reyes & Jeremy Hagquist
In Partnership with
American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress
Funding Provided by
Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Ford Foundation