Die Bib-Typen
Quelle: Bayerischer Rundfunk
Bibliothekarisch – die berufliche Tätigkeit eine:r Bibliothekar:in betreffend.
Quelle: Bayerischer Rundfunk
Der zweite Film zum Thema #Verschlüsselung: Sicher surfen!
Eff-Plugin: https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere
Quelle: Time.com
Quelle: Lesen.net ; Infografik stammt von Amy Shaw und Jaclyn Rosansky von ProQuest; Orginaltitel: „Unusual Library Things“
BOTOS – No!!! from comma studio on Vimeo.
Jerry from Daniela Juarez on Vimeo.
When planning this video, my initial plan was to play up the „learning“ aspect of the library, as a source of books, magazines, and internet. However, as I sat in the designated teen section, it occurred to me that yes, our library serves that purpose — but so does every other library in the united states. What sets Santa Clara’s library apart is its open environment, from the public displays of art to the sprawling park behind it. In the Teen Section, students sprawled on couches, huddled over computers relax after a long day of work, and its proximity to several high schools makes it a hub of activity after school. Then it dawned on me that what truly makes this library special to us is the freedom it affords. In this video, the main figure escapes the confines of his house, with stacks of homework, social networking, and goes to the library. The falling comets symbolize the pressure and the stress which high schoolers so often fall prey to today. Yet when he gets to the library, it seems as if by magic, all the worlds troubles just fade away, and he is free to read a book, hang with friends….
We hope you enjoy our video — we certainly had fun making it!
Kann die Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie neu definieren, wie wir in der Netzwerkgesellschaft lernen? Diese Technologien haben uns ermöglicht zu interagieren, innovativ zu sein und auf neue Art und Weise zu teilen. Im Moment findet ein Transformationsprozess in Form einer Neudefinition dessen statt was lernen und weiterbilden ausmacht. Im Film sprechen Experten aus dem Bereich Bildung über das Lernen der Zukunft.